"Solo se rimarremo uniti fino alla fine l'Onda riuscirà a prevalere in Iran" | l'Occidentale
L'articolo pubblicato sul web per l'Occidentale, in edicola su Liberal.
martedì 19 gennaio 2010
Is there a chance that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sacrifice Ahmadinejad? Yes it is. An interview with @Bsalamati, green movement speaker

In Iran a great opinion and popular movement has taken place not ending since now in asking for reforms and more freedom to the duo Khamenei-Ahmadineiad. The green movement protests have been snuff out with violence and indiscriminate use of political arrests between activists or just students. Whether political tensions seems to be only a more radical expression of dualism inside regime components (reformists and conservatives), the very news of this season in Iran is the ultimate engagement of the youth generations spreading in the streets of the country and on the web, using technology as marches and sit in and so putting in anguish the regime like during the Ashura days.
The movement has not one leader as referring unique guide but some speakers using on the web Avatar identities, one of them is @Bsalamati, we have had the opportunity to talk with him.
Mr @Bsalamati could you tell us how all has began?
Well, it started with the presidential elections in June 2009. What was announced as the result of the elections was shocking to so many people, and they came to streets to protest against the results. But the election was not the only cause. The brutal behavior of the government and basij (a pro-government militia organization) against the protestors also intensified the situation.
The world has been shaken from the Neda death images, but scrolling the movement newsletter you can read about several cases of human rights abuses above students and young people, would you like to tell us of one or more of any of them?
Neda became worldly known only because her death was recorded, but as you said there are lots of other martyrs as well. No one exactly knows how many have been killed during the protests or inprisons. Some of them have become more well-known than the others: Neda Agha Soltan, Sohrab Arabi, Taraneh Mousavi, Ali Mousavi (nephew of the opposition Leader), etc.. The opposition claims more than 70 people have been martyred, but the government claims the number of deaths has been 25-30 so far.
Which is the message your movement send to the country?
We would rather speak for Iranians, instead of injecting a special ideology to them. What we mostly do is trying to spread their words through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder by the streets with them to get through this period.
Which is the mood of your protests, in the beginning we have seen non-violent protests, whether during the Ashura days, clushes with the security forces and the Basij militias has happened everywhere, which is your testimony?
The Green movement has always been interested in non-violent protests, and I can confidently refer to the movement as a peaceful one. Even on Ashura, i believe the Greens were peaceful. People tried to hold another peaceful protest but it was turned violent by the government. You cannot expect people to just stand and let basijis and anti-riot police shoot at them, beat them severely, and yet do nothing! Greens have always tried to organize a peaceful gatherings, but unfortunately the government cannot take it.
As far as I am in touch with people, I know the Greens condemn any kind of violence, even if it is done by the Greens themselves, which is a good thing! No society is perfect, but any society could be open to criticism and improve itself. And that is what happened right after Ashura. Dozens of articles were written on this issue and the discussions about what happened on Ashura still continue. It shows Greens criticize themselves and solve their problems through meaningful discussions and public debate. Unfortunately, however, the government has done enormous crimes since June 12, however, instead of feeling responsible, the government has always denied everything and has intensified the crack down. That is the differnece between a peaceful, mature movement and a savage, unintelligent government.
Protests are growing? Can we expect a second revolution?
It is difficult to predict the future. But the protests have now spread to even small cities and villages as well. Protests used to be centralized in Tehran and some other big cities, but now cities from pretty much all provinces are protesting.
During the starting days of the protests, since the disputed results of the last presidential polls, regime reaction was initially surprise, but now Khamenei refuses dyalogue and from religious and political conservatives someone calls for you as mohareb (enemies of God), cursing of death penalty, what do you think of this political situation? How far your movement feels to go ahead?
Calling the Greens moharebs is only one of the numerous tricks by which the government wants to on the one hand, justify its brutal behavior, and on the other hand divide between the Greens. I can give you some examples. A few months ago the government decided to establish another “green” party, but it gained no support and it failed. Then on 16 Azar (Student Day, 6th of December) they show the burning picture of Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic regime. And now the government refers to Greens as moharebs. This way the government finds an excuse to justify its brutality and also divides between the Greens: those who are pro-Khomeini, and those who are against him; those who are religious and those who are secular.
All I can say is that so far these tactics have not worked because people in Iran have become familiar with them. Although we should also always be careful not to lose our unity. This is what fears them the most.
They say that conservatives are divided to the point that some would favor compromise, is there the chance that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sacrifice Ahmadinejad?
All I can say is that it is possible.
The would be sacrifice of Ahmadinejad could stop the protests?
I don’t think so. It’s now a few months that protests are directed at the Supreme Leader himself. You barely hear any slogans against Ahmadinejad. People have realized that as long as Khamenei is holding the power this story might happen again. Plus, it was the Supreme Leader who directly ordered the brutality of the security forces, the Revolutionary Guard, and the basijis. So it is him who is responsible for all this mess. He is both an incredibly incapable leader, and a murderer. So I don’t think if removing Ahmadinejad would solve any problem.
It is very sadly unlike for every human being as a father to see himself hurting sons and daugthers as an order, do the dramatical events have shaken the conscience of the iranian public opinion majority? Have coming or are coming any distinctions inside the political, security and military bureaucracy?
It is sad indeed! I don’t know about the authorities, but there are actually some people who even voted for Ahmadinejad in the elections but are now supporting the Green movement, and it is all because of the violence they saw in the government.
In the West more international observatours think that what has occurred since june is only a political struggle between the regime parties, but which is the ultimate target of the movement and of students?
I don’t put it that way! I believe anyone who thinks it’s just a political struggle between some parties inside the country, has not seen so many parts of the movement and the post-electoral events. I think what we saw from the begining was people who came to streets based on their own decision. No one asked people to protest. Even Mousavi in his 17th statement (“Kill us, we would only grow stronger”) asserts the fact that the whole movement is run by people, not any political figure. And I think people have made their goals clear in the slogans they chant. One can also refer to Mousavi’s statement as the minimum goal of the Greens (1. A government subject to Parliament and Judiciary branch control; 2. New free elections; 3. Free and exonerate of political prisoners; 4. Freedom of Press and Media; 5. Recognizing rights of people for legal congregations, establishing political parties and groups).
With the nuclear quarrel on the ground, White House is sending signals to the Ahmadinejad government that sanctions are behind the corner whether he doesn’t stop with the use of the force against political opponents, what do you think about sanctions? What is your position about nuclear programs of your government?
We should wait and see what the White House is going to do in practice. But up to now, sanctions have just worsened the people’s situation, without any effect on the government.
As for my opinion regarding Iran’s nuclear plans, all I can say is that I am against any nuclear weapon. But at the same time I think all nations should have the right to peacefully use nuclear technology.
In the dreams of your movements there is a place for a radical constitution reform of the republic? If yes in which way?
One of the most important changes that people are seeking is removing the principle of Velayate Faghih, which gives full power to a Supreme Leader. As I said before, it is now a few months since people have started questioning this principle. That seems to be the bone of contention.
In a hipotetichal new republic, with a new constitution, how do you think should be informed relationships with near country such as Israel, Iraq and Siria?
Obviousely it is to the benefit of everyone if there is no conflict.
What will the student movement keep on asking to the government?
There are different actions that students in particular and Greens in general have asked for to be taken. But among the immediate ones I can refer to the release of all political prisoners, journalists, and student activists, stopping the executions of innocent people, and giving some to the opposition to speak out via public media.
The opposition leaders Mousavi and Karroubi has lost control of the movement or they are still?
One cannot refer to Mousavi and Karoubi as leaders of the movement in the strict sense of the term. They have never been leaders. They have always tried to speak out for the people, instead of leading them to any specific direction. Although I should admit that they do not represent the voice of all Greens. But I think they have been really helpful for the Greens.
By closing our intervew we ask you if the student movement really thinks that could ever be a way to come out of the never ending battle climate?
I don’t describe what is happening in Iran as an apparently never-ending battle. You should not expect social and political problems to resolve overnight. I believe students in particular and people in general are doing a relatively good job. We should just always remain vigilant about what the government is doing and try not to lose our unity. So far, we’ve been successful in that respect.
lunedì 18 gennaio 2010
Sebastián Piñera vence a Eduardo Frei con un 51,61% contra un 48,38%

Sebastián Piñera vence a Eduardo Frei con un 51,61% contra un 48,38%
Si conferma l'esito del primo turno alle presidenziali del Cile, una nuova maggioranza di centrodestra alle redini di Santiago, finisce così l'epoca della concertacion tra socialisti e democristiani succedutasi agli anni della dittatura Pinochet.
La piattaforma programmatica del nuovo presidente Sebastiàn Pineram, un imprenditore prestato alla politica, è una piattafora liberale.
Il fatto, dopo l'asseverazione popolare del golpe anti Zelaya in Honduras da parte del Gen. Micheletti, un golpe alla fine nel risultato delle urne giudicato dalla gente un male minore in confronto alla concreta possibilità di una riforma forzosa in senso social-comunista prossima ad essere imposta da Zelaya, segna una svolta nel cambio di clima politico all'interno del continente sud-americano.
giovedì 7 gennaio 2010
In Memory of Murray Rothbard

Quindici anni fa veniva a mancare il grande economista e filosofo Murray Rothbard, colui che nel suo lavoro riuscì a teorizzare un applicazione dogmatica del liberalismo di scuola austriaca portata fino alle estreme conseguenze.
Certo in anni come questi, dopo la Crisi innescata dal collasso del sistema creditizio americano, anni in cui sulla parola mercato, ci si è industriati a riversare tutti i rifiuti intellettuali possibili dei socialismi esacerbati ed avvelenati da decenni di sconfitte culturali, diventa difficile magnificare l'opera di qualcuno cui non bastò la teorizzazione di uno Stato Minimo quale unico compromesso politico concepibile secondo schemi filosofici liberali, ma che portò la sua opera di indagine sino alle porte di quello che è stato poi definito anarco-capitalismo.
Quella di Rothbard fu l'immaginazione di un mondo dove tutto è mercato e allo Stato viene tutt'al più lasciato lo spazio da riempire di un Commonwealth di valori condivisi da una data comunità, uno Stato spogliato della direzione della sicurezza, appaltata a società private, di quella della giusitizia, riformata nel senso degli arbitrati privati, un mondo in cui l'istruzione, come già preconizzato da Ayn Rand, fosse organizzata quale un sistema editoriale privato, senza titoli di studio dal valore legale, guardando più all'antica Atene che alla Mosca degli anni '20, per non parlare della divisione tra Stato ed Economia, alla stregua di quella tra lo Stato stesso e le confessioni religiose.
Non a caso, il silenzio in cui è caduto l'anniversario dei quindici anni dalla sua morte.
Con buona pace di tanti, che in un momento di depressione agognano il ritorno della presa dello Stato sulle aspirazioni dell'individuio, opere come L'Etica della Libertà o il nuovo manifesto libertario, pur nell'utopia e nello sforzo profetico, restano oggi più che mai colonne portanti per una coerente impostazione metodologica dell'individualismo, un pensiero che ai massimi livelli, come quelli raggiunti da Rothbard, diviene ed è divenuto, sinonimo di umanesimo.
mercoledì 6 gennaio 2010
Si comincia a parlare di conto alla rovescia, alcune fonti riportano di ambasciatori del dittatore che stanno cercando asilo all'estero.
Si comincia a parlare di conto alla rovescia, alcune fonti riportano di ambasciatori del dittatore che stanno cercando asilo all'estero.
martedì 5 gennaio 2010
domenica 3 gennaio 2010
sabato 2 gennaio 2010
Kill the Protesters! | Political News | Annuit Coeptis
Kill the Protesters! | Political News | Annuit Coeptis
Assurdo e vergognoso, un Ayatollah lealista al duo Kathami Ahmadinejad teorizza l'assassinio sistematico dei protestanti, articolo e video dalla TV iraniana. Quanto si potrà andare avanti così? L'ONU se deve censurare Israele lo fa in un quarto d'ora se deve prendere provvedimenti contro l'obnubilamento dei diritti umani si gira dall'altra parte: dove sono gli Stati Uniti d'America?
Assurdo e vergognoso, un Ayatollah lealista al duo Kathami Ahmadinejad teorizza l'assassinio sistematico dei protestanti, articolo e video dalla TV iraniana. Quanto si potrà andare avanti così? L'ONU se deve censurare Israele lo fa in un quarto d'ora se deve prendere provvedimenti contro l'obnubilamento dei diritti umani si gira dall'altra parte: dove sono gli Stati Uniti d'America?
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